Becoming an agent

Becoming an Agent

If you would like to become an authorised Pollard English agent then we’d love to hear from you.

The process to become an authorised Pollard English agent is highly selective and we only accept the best quality applicants.

We look for applicants who demonstrate:

-Quality references - We require three current referees from CRICOS registered providers from an Australian University, TAFE or RTO.
- An excellent track record
- If you have completed your PIER online education agent training.

We consider external factors such as the number of agents already operating in your region and market. For expressions of interest, contact our marketing team in the first instance.

All agents who apply to become an authorised agent of Pollard English are required to submit the following documents:

- Registered Migration Agent Certificate (Indicating MARA No.) and/or
- Registered Education Agent Certificate (e.g. PIER Cert), and
- Business Registration Certificate, and
- Agent Application Form (can be downloaded from Application Forms and Documents)
